About us
At Wydawnictwo Draco we prioritize quality. We prepare publications for foreign language learning
according to the most modern standards, taking into account the specifics of Polish schools and paying attention to every
detail. We love our work and are proud of the results. We provide support at every level of education
Series cover
The student can take advantage of additional sets of exercises, books covering the grammar of a given language, and review guides at various levels of proficiency.
Profidesk Portal
The educational portal profidesk.io provides access to interacive textbook and workbook.
Memobi App
A free mobile app with three learning modes for reviewing vocabulary from the publisher's original publications.
Interactive materials
Interactive learning methods that will certainly help students expand their vocabulary and assist teachers in conducting lessons.
Wydawnictwo Draco Sp. z o.o.
ul. Rakowicka 15A/U2
31-511 Kraków
NIP: 676 248 06 51
KRS: 0000527958